16 Agustus, 2008

What's Forex

FOREX (Foreign Exchange Market) - The global currency market of an exchange of certain currency of one country to currency of another country at the coordinated rate for the certain date. FOREX does not have any certain location of trade. It is a huge network where the currency dealers connected among themselves by the means of telecommunications concentrated on all World Financial Centers are working round the clock as a uniform mechanism. The basic participants of the currency market are: commercial banks, currency stock exchanges, the central banks, the firms which are carrying out the foreign trade operations, investment funds, the broker companies, private persons.

What are the main benefits of trading in the forex market?

Many currency pairs are very volatile. Volatility means that they move a lot during the day, from side to side, allowing traders to capture sometimes 5-6 price swings per day, each one potentially allowing the trader to make impressive profits.

5-7 currency pairs to monitor (instead of over 10,000 stocks!), no commission trading, guaranteed fills for stop losses and limit orders, impressive leverage.

The forex market is a 24 hour market. Never stops. This means that as a forex trader you can chose exactly when to trade. Some traders have day jobs and do not have the necessary time to trade during the day so they can trade at night. People who make their living as forex traders can chose to trade any time of the day or night. The point being, a 24 hour market allows the trader a lot of flexibility.