26 September, 2008
Money management strategy
Your risk per a trade should never exceed 3% per trade. It's better to adjust your risk to 1% or 2%
We prefer a risk of 1% but if you are confident in your trading system then you can lever your risk up to 3%
1% risk of a 100,000$ account = 1,000$
You should adjust your stop loss so that you never lose more than 1,000$ per a single trade.
If you are a short term trader and you place your stop loss 50 pips below/above your entry point .
50 pips = 1,000$
1 pips = 20$
The size of your trade should be adjusted so that you risk 20$/pip. With 20:1 leverage,your trade size will be 200,000$
If the trade is stopped, you will lose 1,000$ which is 1% of your balance.
This trade will require 10,000$ = 10% of your balance.
If you are a long term trader and you place your stop loss 200 pips below/above your entry point.
200 pips = 1,000$
1 pip = 5$
The size of your trade should be adjusted so that you risk 5$/pip. With 20:1 leverage, your trade size will be 50,000$
If the trade is stopped, you will lose 1,000$ which is 1% of your balance.
This trade will require 2,500$ = 2.5% of your balance.
This's just an example. Your trading balance and leverage provided by your broker may differ from this formula. The most important is to stick to the 1% risk rule. Never risk too much in one trade. It's a fatal mistake when a trader lose 2 or 3 trades in a row, then he will be confident that his next trade will be winning and he may add more money to this trade. This's how you can blow up your account in a short time! A disciplined trader should never let his emotions and greed control his decisions.
24 September, 2008
22 September, 2008
16 September, 2008
Stop-loss Discipline
As you can see from the description above, there are significant opportunities and risks in foreign exchange markets. Aggressive traders might experience profit/loss swings of 20-30% daily. This calls for strict stop-loss policies in positions that are moving against you.
Fortunately, there are no daily limits on foreign exchange trading and no restrictions on trading hours other than the weekend. This means that there will nearly always be an opportunity to react to moves in the main currency markets and a low risk of getting caught without the opportunity of getting out. Of course, the market can move very fast and a stop-loss order is by no means a guarantee of getting out at the desired level.
15 September, 2008
12 September, 2008
Margin Trading
Foreign exchange is normally traded on margin. A relatively small deposit can control much larger positions in the market. This means that in order to trade one million dollars, you need to place just USD 10,000 by way of security.
In other words, you will have obtained a gearing of up to 100 times. This means that a change of, say 2%, in the underlying value of your trade will result in a 200% profit or loss on your deposit. See below for specific examples. As you can see, this calls for a very disciplined approach to trading as both profit opportunities and potential risks are very large indeed. Please refer to our page Forex Rates & Conditions for current Spreads, Margins and Conditions.
11 September, 2008
10 September, 2008
09 September, 2008
Trading Tips to Supercharge Your Profit Potential
Most traders get 200:1 leverage from their broker and want to use it but this is a huge mistake - a trader should use leverage wisely and 10 20: 1, is enough. This allows you to risk more to your stop and this is vital to success.
Most traders put stops so close they are guaranteed to get stopped out by normal volatility. They get the direction right, see their stop hit and then see prices reverse back the other way and make thousands and their not in!
If you want to win, your stop must be far enough back so you don't get hit by random price moves in the trend. This isn't being rash this is sensible investment strategy
2. Risk More Per Trade
In line with the above forget all the rubbish you read about risking 2% per trade.
On a small account its so little risk it guarantees you will get stopped out.
Sure if you have 100k you can do this - but not on a small account.
Many traders try to restrict and control risk so much they create it and lose. To make meaningful gains, you need to risk 10 - 20% on a small account.
3. Learn Patience
Most traders think the more they trade the more profits they are going to pile up - dead wrong.
You don't get rewarded for your trading frequency; you get rewarded for being right!
The high odds trades only come around a few times a month in each currency - hit these and hit them hard.
Hitting the high odds trades and hitting them hard can make you a lot of money. I know lots of forex traders, who only trade a few times a month and still pile up big triple digit annual gains, because they are hitting good risk to reward trades and hitting them hard.
4. Forget Diversification
OK on a 100k account there is an argument for doing it but not on a small account.
If you have a great trade, why potentially dilute its profit potential by taking trades for the sake of trading? It doesn't make sense and will dilute your potential profits.
Hit the high odds trade you like and focus on it. (www.articlesbase.com)